Posts tagged medical innovation
Dr. Bertalan Meskó | Creating the Future You Want

The future can be a terrifying, anxiety-inducing destination for many people. Thoughts of robots running amok, out-of-control AI, and a speed of life that is beyond comprehension are often ways in which the future is described. That doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, the future doesn’t have to be something that happens to people. The future can be created.

That’s the position of Dr. Bertalan Meskó. He is a futurist who has focused his career studying healthcare and advances in the field of medicine. He is also the author of the book “Your Map to the Future.” In this interview, Dr. Meskó discusses why becoming a future-thinking leader can be beneficial to all of us and help our teams perform better. He goes on to discuss methods like “vision writing” and forecasting, how our “future selves” will be grateful for our current healthy investments, and how people can create their own “anticipatory consciousness.” Dr. Meskó is known as the “Medical Futurist.” He concludes the interview by talking about the medical breakthroughs that fill him with optimism, his vision for the future of aging, and the mistakes humans are making today that the people of 2075 will shake their heads at in disbelief.

Dr. Bertalan Meskó, PhD, known as The Medical Futurist, is the Director of The Medical Futurist Institute. He specializes in analyzing the impact of science fiction technologies on global medicine and healthcare. He is also an Amazon Top 100 author and serves as a Private Professor at Semmelweis Medical School in Budapest, Hungary. Dr. Meskó’s research focuses on the role of artificial intelligence and digital health technologies in shaping the future of care. He is a member of the "Committee on Future Research" of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Dedicated to pioneering medical futures studies as a scientific discipline, Dr. Meskó aims to make futures methods widely accessible in healthcare. He is a Certified Superforecaster for Good Judgment, Inc.

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The 200 Year Life with Sergey Young

The topics of aging and life extension are getting a lot of attention in the media. Sergey Young believes we are on the brink of a Longevity Revolution, with new scientific discoveries and exciting technological advances now making it possible to reverse aging and treat previously incurable diseases. In this episode, Sergey talks about how humans will be able to extend life to 150 years and beyond.

In this discussion, Sergey and host Don MacPherson talk about what life extension will look like over the course of the 21st century, some of the remarkable healthcare innovations that seem like they are out of science fiction novels, and the societal implications of radical life extension.

Born in the former Soviet Union, Sergey Young has made it his life’s mission to help people live long, healthy, and happy lives. As part of that mission to make longevity affordable and accessible to everyone, he founded the $100 million Longevity Vision Fund, one of the few longevity-focused funds in the world. He is also an Innovation Board Member at the XPRIZE Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded Peter Diamandis, and Development Sponsor for the Age Reversal XPRIZE. Sergey’s goal is to live to 200 years old and to find an affordable way for everyone else to do the same. Sergey is author of the book “The Science and Technology of Growing Young.”

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