Posts in Agility
First Quarter Review - Joey Torkildson Interviews 12 Geniuses CEO Don MacPherson

How did your first quarter of 2019 end? Did you accomplish all that you wanted to get done? Did you meet the people you’d hoped you would? Did you go where you wanted to go? It’s helpful to do an inventory of what we have been paying attention to, where we went, what we learned, who we met, and what’s up next. That’s exactly what two friends do in this special episode of 12 Geniuses. Joey Torkildson, the host of The Grind Podcast, spends some time talking with Don MacPherson about how Q1 of 2019 went for 12 Geniuses. They cover a wide range of topics from rapidly advancing technology to traveling in Europe, to what the lineup of genius podcast guests looks like for the rest of the year.

Topics Covered

Technology: Artificial Intelligence, robotics, wearables, virtual reality, the Internet of Things

Travel: Las Vegas, Lone Pine, CA, Death Valley, Washington DC, New Haven, CT, Yale University, New York City, Phoenix, Honfleur, France, D-Day Beaches

Speaking Engagement: Fuel Work HR Technology Expo on April 10th, 2019

12 Geniuses Guests: Rebecca Ryan, Lauren Azar, Chris Farrell, Patrick Riley, Daniel Pink, Andrew Winston, Giadha Aguirre de Carcer

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Catherine Carr | A Story of Self-Disruption and Reinvention

Every day, 40,000 people around the world work in extremely stressful situations to help provide assistance to people in need. People working for Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) leave behind their comfortable lives for the opportunity to make the world a better place. On assignment they expand their self-knowledge and limitations, experience, and adapt to entirely new ways of living while helping those in need. When it’s time to return home, they experience the challenges of re-assimilating to their native culture. In this episode, humanitarian Catherine Carr shares her decade-long experience working for Doctors Without Borders and how the lessons of working as a humanitarian translate to other areas of work once you return home. Catherine discusses:

Part I: The Humanitarian Experience

Applying to Doctors Without Borders, culture shock and adaptation, finding meaning at work, learning from locals, the various roles within Doctors Without Borders, Tea in the Morning, relationship building during “morning tea,” overcoming the fear that prevents personal growth, finding happiness.

Part II: Lessons to Learn from a Humanitarian

Advice for overcoming fear and facing future changes, resistance to change, agility, discovering yourself, getting out of your comfort zone (without leaving the country), the power of teamwork, building trust with employees and community members, the unique skills of a humanitarian, coping in high-stress situations, burnout vs. stress, belief vs. truth, disruption avoidance.

Organizations, People, Resources, Places Mentioned:

Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières), PB&J Family Services, Kenya, Iraq, the Philippines, Haiti, Central African Republic, Jordan, South Sudan

“I was scared of making the change, but I think what scared me even more was not making the change.”

Catherine Carr describing her decision to disrupt her career as a Human Resources leader to join Doctors Without Borders


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