Rebecca Ryan | How a Futurist Sees the World

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For nearly two decades America has been in “Winter” – a time of stagnation, conflict, and disruption. During this time, we’ve asked ourselves “who are we and what do we stand for?” We’ve grown contentious politically, racially, across generations, and about the best way to proceed into the future. Many now wonder how American society will find stability and cohesiveness in the years to come.

In this interview, Rebecca Ryan explains the changes our nation is going through and how these changes can be harnessed for a positive future. Rebecca explains the concepts of “Winter” and “Spring” as well as the “browning” and “graying” of America. She also shares her insights about how America will respond to these changes and how you too can practice futuring.

Rebecca has spent her career consulting with large and small organizations to prepare them for the changes to come. Rebecca has authored a book, ReGENERATION: A Manifesto for America’s Next Leaders, detailing these changes and how we can ready ourselves to remain relevant and competitive in the world to come.